Additional Appointments
Associate Dean for Research
Research Interests
Carol Davis
Increasing the success of a range of students who exhibit behavior problems in more inclusive settings has been the focus of my career. Much of my research examines effective strategies to address the needs of students with behavioral issues in schools. Currently I am interested in examining what variables contributes to the successful implementation of these strategies by classroom teachers, schools, and districts. Specifically, I am interested in developing systems of teacher and student support in public school settings, with a goal of promoting positive behavior of students with challenging behavior.
McCollow, M., Levy, E., Davis, C.A., & Sainato, D. (in press). Using self-monitoring, activity schedules, and correspondence training to increase independence while decreasing challenging behavior in young children, Young Exceptional Children.
Greenway, R.M., McCollow, M., Hudson, R.F., Peck, C., & Davis, C.A (2013). Autonomy and Accountability: Teacher Perspectives on Evidence-Based Practices for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 48, 456-478.
McCollow, M, Davis, C.A., & Copeland, M. (2013). Creating success for students with autism spectrum disorders and their teachers: Implementing district-based support teams. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 16 (1), 12 – 19. doi: 10.1177/1555458913478426
Sandall, S., Ashmun, J., Schwartz, I., Davis, C.A., Williams, P., Leon-Guerro, R., Boulware, G, & McBride, B. (2011). Differential response to a school-based program for young children with ASD. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. doi:10.1177/0271121411403166
Wang, H.T., Sandall, S. & Davis, C.A. (2011). Social skills assessment in young children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 41, 1487-1495. doi:10.1007/s10803-010-1175-8.
Rosenberg, N., Schwartz, I., & Davis, C. (2010). Evaluating the utility of commercial videotapes for teaching hand washing to children with autism. Education and Treatment of Children, 33, 443-456.
Jung, S., Sainato, D., & Davis, C. A., (2008). Using high probability request sequences to increase social interactions in young children with autism. Journal of Early Intervention,30, 163-187.
Davis, C. A. & Schwartz, I., (2007). Effective school age programs for students with autism. ABA International Annual Publication.
Fox, J. & Davis, C. (2005). Functional behavior assessment in schools: Current Research Findings and Future Directions. Journal of Behavioral Education, 14,1-4.
Reichle, J., Drager, K., & Davis, C. A. (2002) Using requests for assistance to obtain desired items and to gain release from nonpreferred activities: implication for assessment and Intervention. Education and Treatment of Children, 25, 47-66.
Conroy, M., Davis, C. A., Fox, J., & Brown, W. (2002). Functional assessment of behavior and effective supports for young children with disabilities. Assessment for Effective Intervention (Diagnostique), 27 (4), 35-48.
Davis, C. A. & Fox, J. (2001). Functional Behavioral Assessment and Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Roots, Now, and the Future. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 16, 202-204.
Conroy, M. Brown, W., & Davis, C.A. (2001). Applying the IDEA 1997 disciplinary provisions to preschoolers with challenging behavior. Beyond Behavior, 11, 23-29.
Davis, C.A., Reichle, J., & Southard, K. (2000). High-probability requests and a preferred item as a distractor: Increasing successful transitions in children with behavior problems. Education and Treatment of Children, 23, 423-440.
Conroy, M. & Davis, C.A. (2000). Early elementary-aged children with challenging behaviors: Legal and educational issues related to IDEA and functional behavioral assessment. Preventing School Failure, 44, 163-168.
Fox, J., Gunter, P., Davis, C., & Brall, S. (2000). Observational methods in functional behavioral assessment: Practical techniques for practitioners. Preventing School Failure, 44, 152-157.
Davis, C.A., & Fox, J. (1999). Evaluating environmental arrangements as setting events: Review and implications for measurement. Journal of Behavioral Education, 9, 77-96.
Davis, C.A., Reichle, J. Johnston, S., & Southard, K. (1998). Teaching children with severe disabilities to utilize nonobligatory conversational opportunities: An application of high-probability requests. Journal of the Association of Persons with Severe Handicaps, 23, 57-68.
Killu, K., Sainato, D., Davis, C.A., Ospelt, H., & Neely, J. (1998). Effects of a high-probability request sequence on preschool children with developmental delays during instructional activities. Journal of Behavioral Education, 8, 347-368.
Davis, C. A., & Reichle, J. (1996). Variant and invariant high-probability requests: Increasing appropriate behaviors in children with emotional-behavior disorders. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29, 471-482.
Davis, C. A. (1995). Peers as behavior change agents for preschoolers with behavioral disorders: Using high probability requests. Preventing School Failure, 39, 4-9.
Sanchez-Fort, M., Brady, M. P., & Davis, C. A. (1995). Using high-probability requests to increase low-probability communication behavior in young children with severe disabilities. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 30, 151-165.
Davis, C. A., Brady, M. P., Hamilton, R., McEvoy, M. A., & Williams, R. E. (1994). Effects of high-probability requests on the social interactions of young children with severe disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27, 619-637.
McEvoy, M. A., Davis, C. A., & Reichle, J. (1993). Districtwide technical assistance teams: Designing intervention strategies for young children with challenging behaviors. Behavior Disorders, 19, 27-33.
Davis, C. A., Brady, M. P., Williams, R. E., & Hamilton, R. (1992). Effects of high-probability requests on the acquisition and generalization of responses to requests in young children with behavior disorders. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25, 905-916.
Davis, C. A., Brady, M. P., Williams, R. E., & Burta, M. (1992). The effects of self-operated auditory prompting tapes on the performance fluency of persons with severe mental retardation. Education and Training in Mental Retardation, 27, 39-50.