Miller 322J

Research Interests

Early Childhood
Equity Studies
Gifted Education
Learning Sciences & Human Development
Qualitative Research Methods

Nancy Hertzog


Dr. Hertzog received her masters’ degree in Gifted Education from the University of Connecticut under the tutelage of Dr. Joseph Renzulli, and her Ph.D. in Special Education under her advisor Dr. Merle B. Karnes. Her research examines curricular practices and policies in the field of gifted education. From 1995 to 2010 she was on the faculty in the Department of Special Education and directed University Primary School, an early childhood gifted program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Collaboratively with the head teachers, she won several curriculum awards from the Curriculum Division of the National Association for Gifted Children. She joined the University of Washington in 2010 as a professor in the area of Learning Sciences and Human Development, and the Director of the Halbert and Nancy Robinson Center for Young Scholars (2010-2020). Currently her research focuses on equity and access to advanced learning opportunities in schools, and pedagogical strategies that help teachers challenge all students.

Key professional appointments

  • Professor, Learning Sciences and Human Development, University of Washington, 2010 -
  • Director, Halbert and Nancy Robinson Center for Young Scholars, University of Washington, 2010 - 2020
  • Associate Professor, Special Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004--2010
  • Director, University Primary School, University of Illinois, 1994--2010
  • Assistant Professor, Special Education, University of Illinois, 1997-2003
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Special Education, University of Illinois, 1994-1997

Doctoral thesis title

Investigating the nature of open-ended activities. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL.

Ph.D., Special Education, University of Illinois
M.A., Gifted and Talented Education, University of Connecticut
B.A., Elementary Education, Wittenberg University



At the core of her research program is the question, "In what ways can teachers challenge their students?” This question ties two thrusts of her research program together: interest in instructional strategies that challenge all children; and interest in gifted programming practices. Dr. Hertzog has approached this broad research question systematically by examining the use of instructional practices that have typically been designed for students identified as gifted in general education classrooms. Much of her research has focused on models of inquiry-based instruction, and specific strategies implemented to address the diverse needs of learners.

Motivating her research agenda is a strong personal commitment to examine the persistent issues in the field of gifted education, especially the practice of arbitrarily labeling a child "gifted." From an instructional perspective, all students may benefit from the type of pedagogy that has traditionally been found in gifted programs.  Although her research agenda is specific to classroom practices and the effectiveness and impact of gifted programs, it has potentially profound implications for changing current practices and re-conceptualizing the field of gifted education. Her research explores the impact of using collaborative inquiry groups to facilitate and improve teachers’ ability to differentiate instruction to challenge their students. A common thread of her publications is to redefine education by its pedagogy rather than by labeling its participants.



Hertzog, N. B. & Gadzikowski, An. (2017). Early childhood gifted education – Fostering Talent development. NAGC Select. Washington, DC: National Association for Gifted Children.

Hertzog, N. B., Honeck, E., & Dullaghan, B. (2015). Smart Start: Around my house, Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Hertzog, N. B., Honeck, E., & Dullaghan, B. (2015) Smart Start: Let’s Play, Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Hertzog, N. B., Honeck, E., & Dullaghan, B., (2015). Smart Start: Let’s go to the market, Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Hertzog, N. B. (2008). Early childhood gifted education. Practical Strategies Series (F. A. Karnes & K. R. Stephens, Eds.). Prufrock Press, Waco: TX.

Hertzog, N. B. (2008). Ready for preschool. Prufrock Press, Waco: TX.


Hertzog, N.B. (2022). Young, curious, and resilient: The population of early learners. In J. A. Castellano, and K. L. Chandler (Eds.). Identifying and serving diverse gifted learners: Meeting the needs of special populations in gifted education. Routledge. DOI:  10.4324/9781003265412.

Hertzog Hertzog, N. B. (2022). Dare not to compare. In Nyberg, J. L., & Manzone, J. A. (Eds.). (2022). Creating Equitable Services for the Gifted: Protocols for Identification, Implementation, and Evaluation. IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-8153-7

Hertzog, N.B. (2021). Counseling for young children. In T.L. Cross & J. R. Cross Handbook for counselors serving students with gifts and talents. (2nd Ed.). (Eds). (pp. 247-265). Prufrock Press.

Hertzog, N.B., & Mammadov, S. (2018). Very young learners and specialized preschools in practice. In B. MacFarlane (ed.). Specialized schools for high talent learners: Designing and delivering schoolwide educational change. Prufrock Press.

Hertzog, N.B. (2017). Provisions for young advanced learners. In Providing for the Special Needs of Students with Gifts and Talents. (Eds. Cross, J. R., O’Reilly, C, & Cross, T.) pp 153-172. CTYI Press.

Hertzog, N. B., Mun, R. U., DuRuz, B., & Holliday, A. A. (2017). Identification of strengths and talents in young children.  APA Handbook of Giftedness and Talent.

Hertzog, N.B. (2013). Critical issues in early childhood education. In Critical issues and practices in gifted education 2nd Ed. Plucker, J. & Callahan, C. M. (Eds.), pp 195- 206. Waco: TX.  Prufrock Press.

Hertzog, N.B., Ryan, M., & Gillon, N. (2013). Social justice in an early childhood classroom. In The Roeper School: A model for holistic development of high ability. Rotterdam, pp 153-170. NL: Sense Publishers.

Hertzog, N.B.  (2012). Counseling for young gifted children. In Handbook for counselors serving students with gifts and talents (pp. 195-208). T.L.  Cross & J. R. Cross. (Eds). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Hertzog, N.B. (2009). Problem solving. In Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent. Sage Publications.

Hertzog, N.B., (2009). The arbitrary nature of giftedness. In L. Shavinina (Ed.) Handbook on giftedness. (pp. 205-214). Springer Science.

Hertzog, N. B. & Klein, M. M.  (2003). Deepening project investigations. In J. Helm (Ed.) Project catalogue 4. ERIC/EECE Clearinghouse, Champaign, IL.

Hertzog, N. B. (1999). Gifted education in an early childhood context: A secret we should share. In N. L. Hafenstein & B. Walker (Eds.), Perspectives in gifted education: Young gifted children. (pp. 36-49). Denver, CO:  Institute for the Development of Gifted Education.

Selected Journal Articles since 2000

Dott, P. C., Cho, E. H., & Hertzog, N. B. (2022). Addressing the well-being of young children. SENG Journal: Exploring the Psychology of Giftedness, 1(2). Retrieved from iss2/8 

Hertzog, N. B. (2022). Early entrance to kindergarten? . . . It depends. Gifted Child Today 45(3). 137-14.

Hertzog, N. B. (2022). Should it matter who sits next to me? Gifted Child Quarterly 66(2). 126-127.

Mammadov, S., & Hertzog, N. B. (2021). Continuity and change of achievement goals in advanced learning context. Learning and Individual Differences (92)

Mammadov, S., & Hertzog, N. B. (2021). Changes in students’ achievement goals in advanced learning environment: a multivariate multilevel model. Educational Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2021.1975654

Hertzog, N. B., Lamb, K. N., & Mammadov, S. (2021). Parent perspectives on sending their children to college early. Journal of Advanced Academics. 32(4). 399-434. DOI: 10.1177/1932202X211007088

Grubbs, K. & Hertzog, N. B. (2019). A gift that is hard to accept. Roeper Review, 41:3, 214-216. DOI: 10.1080/02783193.2019.1622071.

Mun, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2019). The influence of parental and self-expectations on high-achieving Asian American women. Gifted Child Quarterly, 63(2), 120-140.

Hertzog, N. B. (2018). Giftedness is not a number. Research That Matters. (Ed. D. Wunderlich). Seattle, WA: College of Education, University of Washington. 32-33.

Mammadov, S. Hertzog, N.B. & Mun, R. R. (2018). An examination of self-determination theory within alumni of an early college entrance program. Journal for the Education of the Gifted,41, 273-291.

Mun, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2018). Teaching and learning in STEM enrichment spaces: From doing math to thinking mathematically. Roeper Review, 40(2), 121-129.

Hertzog, N. B. (2017). Designing the learning context in school for talent development. Gifted Child Quarterly. 61(3), 219-228.

Hertzog, N. B. (2016). Enhancing your child’s creative and critical thinking – Don’t throw out your empty boxes! Innovate. Glenview, IL: Midwest Torrance Center for Creativity.

Kaplan, S. & Hertzog, N. B. (2016). Pedagogy for Early Childhood Gifted Education. Gifted Child Today. 39(3), 134-139.

Chung, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (2015). University of Washington Robinson Center for Young Scholars: A review of current research.  Washington Educational Research Association Educational Journal (WEJ), 8(1), 33-36.

Hertzog, N. B. & Chung, R. U. (2015). Outcomes for students on a fast track to college: Early college   entrance programs at University of Washington.  Roeper Review, 37(1), 39-49.

Chung, R.U., & Hertzog, N.B. (2014, December). Early college entrance: How will my child do?  Parenting for High Potential, 9, 16-18.

Halvorson, M., Hertzog, N.B., & Childers, S. A. (2013). University of Washington Transition School: College preparation and teaching for transformation. Gifted Child Today.Vol. 36 (3). Pp187-192.

Hertzog, N.B. (2012, October). Five star schools: Defining quality in early childhood programs. Parenting for High Potential. 2(2). Online Journal:

Chun, E. J., Hertzog, N. B., Gaffney, J. S., & Dymond, S. K. (2012, October). When service learning meets the project approach.  Journal of Early Childhood Research Journal Vol. 10 (3), pp. 232-245

Coleman, M. R., Dennis, & M. A Hertzog, N. B. (2011, December). Resources within reason: Resources for nurturing high potential in young children of diverse abilities. Young Exceptional Children, Vol. 14, 4: pp. 57-58.

Hertzog, N.B. (2009). The power of choice in early childhood classrooms. Understanding Our Gifted, 21(3), pp. 12-14.

Burns, M.V., Chi, S.Y., & Hertzog, N.  B. (2008). Investigating the Tallgrass prairie. On-line Early Childhood Research and Practice, 10(1). (

Hertzog, N. B. (2007). Transporting pedagogy: Implementing the project approach in two first-grade classrooms. Journal of Academic Achievement, 18(4), 530-564.

Linn-Cohen, R. &  Hertzog, N. B. (2007). Unlocking the gate to differentiation: A qualitative study of two self-contained gifted classes. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 31(2), 227-259.

Hertzog, N. B., & Beltchenko, L. (2007). Contexts for early childhood gifted. Gifted Education Communicator, 38(4), 33-37.

Hertzog, N. B., & Klein, M. (2005). Beyond gaming: A technology explosion in early childhood Classrooms. Gifted Child Today, 28(3), 24-31.

Hertzog, N. B. (2005). Equity and access: Creating general education classrooms responsive to potential. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 29(2), 213-257.

Hertzog, N. B. & Bennett, T. (2004). In whose eyes? Parents' perspectives on the learning needs of their gifted children. Roeper Review, 26(2), 96-104.

Wang, X. C., Kedem, Y., & Hertzog, N.  B. (2004). Scaffolding young children's reflections with student-created PowerPoint presentations. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 19(2), 159-174.

Hertzog, N. B. (2003). Advocacy:  On the cutting edge. . . Gifted Child Quarterly, 47(1), 66-81.

Hertzog, N. B. (2003). The impact of gifted programs from the students’ perspectives. Gifted Child Quarterly, 47(2) 131-143.

Blank, J. M., & Hertzog, N. B. (2003). Strengthening task commitment in young children.  Young Exceptional Children, 7(1), 11-19.

Hertzog, N. B. (2001, Spring).  Reflections and impressions from Reggio:   “It’s not about art!" On-line Early Childhood Research and Practice. 3(1). (

Editorial Works

Hertzog, N. B. & Kaplan, S. Guest Editors, (Vol. 39, no. 3). Gifted Child Today, Intellectual Engagement: Early Childhood Gifted Education.

Akin, C., Chung, R. U., & Hertzog, N. B. (Eds.). (2014). Highly Capable Program Handbook. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Robinson Center for Young Scholars.