College Databases
The College of Education operates several administrative systems used by authorized faculty and staff for internal college business processes.
Get Authorized
Current employees of the College of Education can be authorized in our College Databases. Read about the College Database Training & Agreement or Request Access for a New Employee.
About the College Databases
Here is an overview of the widely used College Databases.
Applicant Review
The Applicant review system supports online review of applicant material by faculty committees.
Requires College Database Training & Agreement. Contact for authorization.
Budgets Database
The college's Budgets Database is use by the fiscal team to document contacts and approvers including PIs, Directors, and Budget Managers.
Contact for authorization.
NARF Hiring Database
Online New Appointment Request Form for short-term hiring requests.
Requires College Database Training & Agreement. Contact for authorization.
The OnCourse database supports internal course schedule and curriculum planning. The courses listed in this tool represent a long term developing plan and are therefore subject to change. Please see UW time schedule for official College of Education course listings.
Contact or COE Curriculum Manager for authorization. COE Instructors automatically get access to OnCourse.
Room Schedule
Reserve Miller Hall meeting rooms and classrooms.
Contact for authorization.
We use Slate as our CRM for prospective student recruiting. Slate provides custom forms, email campaigns, and event RSVPs.
Requires College Database Training & Agreement. Contact for authorization.
Student Database
The Student database supports student advising and program administration.
Requires College Database Training & Agreement. Contact for authorization.
TREQ Travel & Requisitions
TREQ allows faculty and staff to make purchasing requests to the COE fiscal team. It includes travel pre-authorization and reimbursement, invoice payments, ProCard purchases and more.
Requires College Database Training & Agreement. Contact for authorization.
Institutional Research Reports
Archive of reports compiled by the Office of Institutional research. This includes annual reports of admission, enrollment, surveys and more.
More Tools
These systems are 3rd party applications, but they are still authorized, as needed, for COE employees.
DocuSign is a UW sponsored service that allows us to use electronic signatures, in many cases replacing need for physical "wet" signatures. The college help desk can give you access to UW DocuSign to create ad-hoc signature requests and use existing templates. If you need to create and share your own templates you must contact central UW ( and complete DocuSign training.
Contact for authorization.
Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) & BI Portal
These are central UW systems that provide access to student, applicant, and financial data. Authorizations to these systems are given by COE through Astra.
Requires College Database Training & Agreement. Contact for authorization.
Help Desk - FreshService
College's help desk request tracking system. You can view your tickets here related to technical support and instructional design. If you are not sure how to get something done at the college contact and we will get you connected to the right person.
Qualtrics is tool for building online surveys.
Contact for authorization.
UW provides use of Microsoft SharePoint to UW employees and students. This tool is useful for sharing files and creating collaborative documents. UW SharePoint is a self-help resource, user access is not managed centrally. For example the user who created a SharePoint will need to give other users access. If you are a new employee who needs access to a SharePoint check with your supervisor or visit the SharePoint site and click the "Request Access" button which will email the owner.
News and Updates
Learn more about college information systems and what we are working on in the College of Education, Technology Center Site.
The College Databases are built and supported by Paul Hanisko and Molly Vinson. We would love to hear your ideas about how to make the systems better. Contact us directly or through