Graduate Student Forms
The forms on this page are specific to the College of Education. Please refer to the COE Graduate Student Handbook (PDF) for more details about how and when to use these forms. If you have any questions about this information, you can consult with the Office of Student Services.
The Graduate School uses the MyGrad portal to manage forms that you are likely to complete as a COE student. This page is where you will submit Graduate School requests such as Master's degree requests, General and Final Exam requests, Graduate School petitions, and leave requests.
General Forms
- College of Education Petition
The COE Petition can be used for many different purposes. Examples might include requests to:
- change advisers
- waive a College of Education requirement
- waive an area course requirement
- add a previously taken course to one’s Course of Study (note: this is different than transferring course credit hours from another institution)
The Petition form will be completed using a DocuSign PowerForm and must be signed by you, your adviser, and your co-adviser (if applicable). Once those signatures are complete, the Office of Student Services will automatically receive a copy to review and process the form.
When the petition is complete, you will receive an email notification from DocuSign. At that time, you can download a PDF copy of the final form.
You can view a sample of this form here.
You can initiate the form by following this link.Change of Advisor Petition
Students are assigned faculty advisors upon admission to the College of Education. Advisor assignments are made based upon several factors, including the current advising load of faculty members, and the congruence between the scholarly interests of students and faculty members.
Students who wish to change advisors should do so thoughtfully. Consult with Student Services first around considerations when seeking a new advisor.
A Change of Advisor Petition is then submitted by the student after this consultation with Student Services. The petition is reviewed by the Area Chair and other faculty to determine the best outcome. The outcome will then be communicated to the student with the updated advisor information.
See complete information in the Graduate Student Handbook on page 24- College of Education Change of Program/Degree Application
This petition is for current students who plan to stay continuously enrolled in the College of Education but wish to change their program or degree. For more information about the application process, please consult with the Office of Student Services before initiating this form.
When you are ready, the form will be completed using DocuSign. After you submit the form with your application materials and signature, the documents will be submitted automatically to the Office of Student Services for processing. For applicants applying from M.Ed. to a doctoral program, a recent letter of recommendation should be emailed to us to add to your application. This can be emailed to
You can view a sample of this form here.
You can initiate the form by following this link.- Graduate School Leave Request
If you would like to request graduate leave status, this is a 2 step process.
First, you will first request leave with the Graduate School through MyGrad. Student Services will review and process your request.
Once processed, you will need to log back into the MyGrad portal and pay $25 for approved leave.
Master of Education Forms
- “I’m preparing to submit my thesis proposal”
Your faculty adviser can help determine when you are ready to complete the Thesis Proposal Form. This form should be completed no later than the quarter in which you intend to graduate.
The form will be completed using a DocuSign PowerForm. You will need to upload an abstract of your thesis and obtain two faculty signatures before the form is submitted automatically to the Office of Student Services for processing.
You can view a sample of this form here.
You can initiate the form by following this link.- “I’m preparing to graduate”
The forms below will be completed in your final quarter of your master’s program. You can refer to the Master of Education Degree Checklist for additional details on the timing and process for each step.
- Master’s Degree Request - request this in the quarter you graduate.
- Master's Supervisory Committee Approval Form (Thesis Students Only) -- This form is required by the Graduate School for students who are uploading a thesis. Two committee members must sign or approve the form by email. The approved form should be uploaded by the last day of the quarter of graduation, along with the thesis.
- Winter Degree Completion Form -- Complete this online form during the quarter you intend to complete your degree. The online form will require you to upload a faculty approved Course of Study by the dates below for the academic year 2024/2025.
- Course of Study Form -- Upload your Course of Study during your final quarter. This helps OSS verify that you have met College of Education requirements. It must be signed/approved by your faculty adviser and added to the online Degree Completion Form by the below dates.
Autumn October 11, 2024 Winter January 24, 2025 Spring April 18, 2025 Summer July 8, 2025 - Course of Study Forms
Educational Specialist Forms
Please check with your faculty advisor and department for additional required forms.
- “I’m preparing to complete my Course of Study with my adviser”
- “I’m preparing to graduate”
- Submit or review an Ed.S. degree request via the Graduate School MyGrad portal -
- Spring Online Degree Completion Form -- Complete this online form during the quarter you intend to complete your degree. The online form will require you to upload a faculty approved Course of Study by the dates below for the academic year 2024/2025.
Doctoral Degree Forms
The forms below will be completed throughout your doctoral program. As a resource, the Doctoral Degree Milestones and Forms Checklist will provide an overview of the specific timing and process for each step.
- “I’m preparing to advance to Prospective Candidacy”
You can refer to the Graduate Student Handbook for more information about eligibility for advancing to prospective candidacy. You can also discuss your readiness for this milestone with your faculty adviser, who will also help determine when you are ready to complete the Prospective Candidacy Form.
The form will be completed using a DocuSign PowerForm. Once completed with your faculty adviser’s signature, the form is submitted automatically to the Office of Student Services for processing.
Students with one adviser:
You can view a sample of this form here.
You can initiate the form by following this link.Students with two co-advisers:
You can view a sample of this form here.
You can initiate the form by following this link.- “I’m preparing for the Research & Inquiry milestone”
Completing the Research & Inquiry (R&I) milestone is a two part process. First, you will submit your R&I paper and indicate your readiness for the R&I Conference by completing the Research & Inquiry Completion Form. Second, your faculty adviser will approve your presentation after the Conference.
- Research & Inquiry Completion Form
You can view a sample of this form here.
You can initiate the form by following this link.
In general, your Research & Inquiry paper should hold substantial promise of contributing to preparation for a dissertation, and at its inception should have a good chance of being publishable in a juried journal. In preparation for this milestone, you’ll need to garner the support of two additional faculty members. Their responsibility is to assess the extent to which your R&I activities are contributing to stated goals, and will provide advice in accordance with their assessment. The supporting faculty and your faculty adviser/chair will assume primary responsibility for advising and assisting you with preparation of your R&I plan.
The Research & Inquiry Completion Form will be completed using a DocuSign PowerForm and will need to be signed by your faculty adviser and two additional members of your Supervisory Committee. Once completed, the form will be submitted automatically to the Office of Student Services for processing.
When completing the form, you will be required to:
- Upload a copy of your paper
- Provide a copy of your presentation abstract -- Successful participation in the Research and Inquiry Conference is required prior to defending a dissertation. Your abstract should be approximately 150-250 words in length, and include: [a] your research topic and questions, [b] your participants and methods, [c] your results and analysis, and [d] your conclusions and implications. Consult your faculty advisor if you have questions about your abstract.
- Indicate your presentation format -- You have the option to present your research in two types of session formats. All formats provide a means for grouping related papers into sessions, with different opportunities for moderators and audience participation. You, with the approval of your advisor, need to determine which format is optimal for future preparation. Discuss with your faculty advisor to determine which format is most suitable for your Research & Inquiry project. To see descriptions of the formats, visit:
- Research & Inquiry Presentation Feedback Form
After completing your presentation at the R&I Conference, your faculty adviser will need to approve the presentation. This approval form is sent to faculty by the Office of Student Services.
- “I would like to set up or make a change to my Supervisory and/or Reading Committee”
For guidance on forming your Supervisory or Reading Committees, refer to the Graduate Student Handbook on page 39.
- Committee Formation Request Form
The form will be completed using a DocuSign PowerForm. You will need to enter the name and email of each proposed committee member and request your faculty adviser’s signature. Once completed, the form is submitted automatically to the Office of Student Services for approval and processing.
You can view a sample of this form here.
You can initiate the form by following this link.
- Committee Revision Request Form
The form will be completed using a DocuSign PowerForm. Once completed with your faculty adviser’s signature, the form is submitted automatically to the Office of Student Services for processing.
You can view a sample of this form here.
You can initiate the form by following this link.
- “I’m preparing to schedule a General Exam”
- Written Exam Request - you can initiate the form by following this link.
- Oral Exam Request - Be sure to request this 3 weeks before your Oral General Exam. Exams cannot be held without this request.
- “I’m preparing to complete my Course of Study with my adviser”
- “I’m preparing to submit my Dissertation Proposal”
Your faculty adviser can help determine when you are ready to complete the Dissertation Proposal Form. This form should be completed once your committee is ready to approve your dissertation proposal.
The form will be completed using a DocuSign PowerForm. To complete the form, you will need to provide an abstract of your dissertation and request signatures from all Reading Committee members. Once all signatures are completed, the form will be submitted automatically to the Office of Student Services for processing.
You can view a sample of this form here.
You can initiate the form by following this link.- “I’m ready to schedule my Final Exam”
Visit the Graduate School MyGrad portal to:
- Schedule a final exam (3 weeks before your exam date). Exams cannot be held without this request.
- Review or update your dissertation title
Other UW Forms
College of Education graduate students frequently engage with other UW departments. Here are links to other websites where you can find information about forms managed outside of the COE: